Did you know... there's a disastrous proposal to build a fracked gas pipeline and export terminal across Southern Oregon that would emit as much greenhouse gas emissions as 15 new coal plants?! This project is a disaster for tribal lands, drinking water, our atmosphere, and public lands. Communities have been fighting it for over a decade, and we're closer than ever before to stopping it for good.
Join us at this fun, lively, educational event for young people to learn more about this project and then take action to stop it. Together, we'll write comments to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, who is currently receiving public comments about this project. Let's show them how we really feel.
We will have PIZZA! So please RSVP here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfPaz_5IFViSBDTonoNjCSuMWhDC6KNU_CoiMdQX3ih8a5kOw/viewform
** This is a youth-priority space. This is not intended to be exclusive, but rather to create a space by and for young people to feel empowered together. Thank you!
Back to All Events
Earlier Event: June 16
Green New Deal Town Hall
Later Event: June 19
Joint Meeting