Week 9 at ODOT Region 1 HQ


Youth vs. ODOT:

Transportation is one of the biggest contributors to carbon emissions in Oregon. We are youth organizers with Sunrise PDX fighting for a rapid and just decarbonization of our state’s transportation system. 

We’ve been striking every other week since April 2021 demanding that ODOT, the Oregon Transportation Commission, and Governor Brown fund our futures, not freeways.

Follow us @youthvsodot on Twitter and Instagram.

Our Demands: 

  1. A full Environmental Impact Statement for the Rose Quarter Freeway Expansion

  2. An immediate moratorium on all freeway expansions within the Portland Metro Urban Growth Boundary - (I-205 Abernathy Bridge Expansion, Interstate Bridge Replacement aka: Columbia River Crossing 2.0,  OR-217 Widening, I-5 Boone Bridge Freeway Expansion, Rose Quarter Freeway Expansion)

  3. A youth climate justice advocate be appointed to the Oregon Transportation Commission

  4. All funding from the Federal Infrastructure Bill go to projects that reduce vehicle miles traveled (such as frequent bus routes, high-speed rail, and active transportation infrastructure)

A group of 20+ people stand in front of a building holding colorful signs that read "Youth vs. ODOT". They hold a banner that reads "Climate Leaders Don't Widen Freeways" and wear masks and warm jackets and hats.

Week 18 at the Metro Council Building